AGG SMART (with SagePay) provides the facility to re-charge a previously charged card without having to re-enter the credit/debit card details.
Once a card has been successfully pre-authed and captured, you will have the ability to charge this card again. A yellow button will appear in the credit card screen. The box shows the last 4 digits of the card and the date it was last charged.
Just click on the button and confirm and the system will attempt to re-authorise the card without having to enter any other details (apart form the amount).
If multiple cards have been previously used, then there will be multiple yellow buttons.
The yellow button can be used for pre-auth and top-up payments.
It is your responsibility to confirm with the customer that the re-charge can be made (and confirm the last 4 digits with them). Failing to do this could cause chargebacks.
If the card does not have enough funds, or has been stopped, the repeat auth will fail. So, we still recommend you use pre-auth / capture to make sure you have funds reserved to make payment after delivery.